TOM YUM GOONG Capoeira X Muay Thai

Cinema: TOM YUM GOONG Capoeira X Muay Thai

A nossa Capoeira, na “grande tela”, representada por Lateef Crowder Dos Santos nascido em Salvador, Brasil. Do mesmo diretor de “Ong Bak – O Guerreiro” esta nova película com o fantástico ator-lutador Tony Jaa, protagosnista de “Ong Bak – O Guerreiro” trás uma sequencia muito bem elaborada com efeitos sensacionais… vale a pena conferir o Trailer e o site oficial do filme:  “TOM YUM GOONG”


Here is the “capoeira fighter” sequence from “TOM YUM GOONG”
note: by the same directer who has done “Ong Bak”.
The vid is cut with external music edited my me.
The movie has a verity of fighters that will excite any action movie fan, so please buy the dvd when it come out in the US.

Enjoy capoeiristas and muay thai praticioners.  Dan D. ( )

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