Encontro Internacional de Capoeira Angola em Bremen

Alemanha: Encontro Internacional de Capoeira Angola em Bremen

Canarinho da Alemanha… quem matou meu Curió…
Outubro é um mes especial para a família Irmãos Guerreiros, pois lá do Cazuá do meu grande irmão Marcio Araújo, o Contra Mestre Pernalonga, chegam as novidades… O CAZUÁ está comemorando o seu 2º aniversário, e na batalha, na luta de resistência do dia a dia, vem se firmando como um terreiro de qualidade e respeito, onde a capoeira se sente em casa…
{jgquote}Fica a dica de ótima capoeiragem, vadiação e alegria garantida!!!{/jgquote}
Tive a oportunidade de participar do 1º aniversário do Cazuá em outubro passado e aconselho vivamente aos camaradas, visitantes e leitores do Portal Capoeira a participarem deste evento comandado pelo carismático e competente Pernalonga.
O Cazuá esta localizado em Bremen, Alemanha, uma cidade maravilhosa e muito amistosa, que nesta época do ano tem um clima muito agradável. Vale a pena salientar a beleza das construções antigas e do rio que corta a cidade, a culinária eclética e a hospitalidade dos moradores, o que nos incentiva ainda mais a conhecer o CAZUÁ da família Irmãos Guerreiros e vivenciar fantásticos e produtivos contatos com a nossa arte "mãe" e com profissionais competentes e responsáveis.
Fica a dica de ótima capoeiragem, vadiação e alegria garantida!!!
Luciano Milani 

Encontro Internacional de Capoeira Angola in Bremen,
Academia Cazuá

On the occasion of the 2. anniversary of the Academia Cazuá we will have our 3. International Meeting of Capoeira Angola from the 12. to the 15. of October in Bremen.
There will be Trainings, Rodas, Music and afro-brasilian dance classes for beginners and advanced taking place in the Academia Cazuá and a nearby Youth-Center (location plan can be found in the internet on: www.capoeira-angola-bremen.de) with Mestre Guará from Rio de Janeiro/Paris, Murah Soares from Sao Paolo/Berlin, Contra Mestre Pernalonga from Sao Paolo/Bremen, Trenel Kenneth from Salvador/Vienna and Professor Cunhadinho from Sao Paolo/Jena.
A special highlight, besides the Capoeira and Dance teachers, will be Beto Sorriso, a famous Samba musician from Sao Paolo and brother of Contra Mestre Pernalonga.

The training will start Thursday the 12. of October at 14h, the Welcome-Roda at about 18h, both in the Cazuá.
The Boa Viagem Roda will be Sunday the 15. of October at about 16h.

All participants will have the possibility to sleep in the Youth Center. There is a kitchen, toillets and bathrooms available. Please bring sleepingbags etc.
The fee will be 85€ including accomodation for all 4 days, breakfast and T-shirt.
Please bring long pants, short-sleeved T-shirts and sneakers.
For further information please have a look at www.capoeira-angola-bremen.de or contact
Contra Mestre Pernalonga
Tel. 0049-(0)421-7947063 o. 0049-(0)1739111447
E-Mail: [email protected]
Raphael Stöcklin
0049 (0) 421-3061326 / 0049-(0)151-50964291
E-Mail: [email protected]
Mestres e Convidados (staff):
{jgxtimg src:=[http://www.portalcapoeira.com/images/stories/Capoeira/eventos/mestres_und_lehrer.jpg] width:=[280]}
clique na imagem para ampliar…
Mestre Guará
Mestre Guará started practising capoeira in the streets of Rio de Janeiro in 1977 at the age of 8. Influenced by Mestre Lua and his students Guará felt more and more closely connected to the art of the game, the songs and the capoeira music and shortly after capoeira became the passion and soul of his life. Later on he met Marrom who at that time was still one of Mestre Peixinhos students and member of the Centro Cultural Senzala de Capoeira, and joined his group Capoeira Angola Mestre Marrom e Alunos. In 1998 Guará came to France where he founded a core in Paris, later on it was renamed into l’ECAÜ Guara (Ecole de Capoeira Angola de Paris).
More infos at: http://www.angola-ecap.org/
Murah Soares
Murah Soares comes from Saou Paulo where he studied classical ballet and modern dance. Nowadays he is considered one of the greatest / major afro-Brazilian dancers in Europe. The religion Candomblé forms a central element in his work. Morah has been working in Germany und Denmark for 10 years, not only as a dancer, but also as a professor and choreographer.


Contra Mestre Pernalonga:
Started learning capoeira at the age of 9 and very early joined Mestre Baixinhos and Mestre Marrom group in Taboao da Serra / Sao Paulo. Over the time he became Mestre Marroms “right hand” and established his own group of students which he taught capoeira in his parents garage, later on the “Academia Castilho” was founded.
In 2001 Contra Mestre Perna came to Bremen where he founded the Academia Cazuá 3 years later. The Cazuá is one of the few fix capoeira adacemies in whole Europe where capoeira classes are given almost every day – just like in Brasil.
More information available at: www.capoeira-angola-bremen.de
Trenel Kenneth
Was born in Salvador in Brasil in 1975. He began learning capoeira at the age of 11 with the grouop Capoeira Angola de Perourinho (GCAP) with Mestre Moraes and Mestre Cobrinha Mansa. During that time he learned and practised a lot about Capoeira Angola. After a training break he was invited by Contra Mestre Boca do Rio, who had also trained with GCAP, to join the group Capoeira Angola Zimba. Nowadays Kenneth continues Boca do Rios work with his Grupo de Capoeira Angola Zimba in Viena.
Professor Cunhadinho
Professor Cunhadinho has been training with Contra Mestre Pernalonga since his early infancy and emerged to one of the responsible students for the group on Sao Paulo.  Today he represents Contra Mestre Pernas work in Halle/Saale and in Jena.

Allgemeine Infos zum Treffen
Anlässlich des 2-jährigen Bestehens der Academia Cazuá wird vom 12.bis 15.10.06 unser 3. Internationales Capoeira Treffen in Bremen stattfinden. Es werden Training, Rodas, Musik- und afro-brasilianischer Tanzunterricht für Neugierige, Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene in der Academia Cazua und dem Jugend-Freizeitzentrum Walle angeboten (Wegbeschreibung findet ihr auf unserer Internetseite: www.capoeira-angola-bremen.de). Als besonderes Highlight ist dieses Jahr neben den Capoeira- und Tanzlehrern auch Beto Sorriso, ein bekannter Samba Musiker aus Sao Paulo und Bruder von Contra Mestre Pernalonga, eingeladen.
Donnerstag: 12 bis 14 Uhr – Anreise und Anmeldung (Cazuá)
  14 bis 17 Uhr – Training, ab 18 Uhr  Roda (Cazuá)
  Ab  19 Uhr –  Essen und Film (Walle)
Freitag: 11 bis 13 Uhr und 15 bis 17.30 Uhr: Unterricht (Capoeira, Musik und afro-brasilianischer Tanz) jeweils für Fortgeschrittene und Anfänger getrennt (in der Cazuá und in Walle)
 Ab 18 Uhr: Roda (Cazuá)
 Anschließend Essen und Film (Walle)
Samstag: 11 bis 13 Uhr und 15 bis 17 Uhr: Unterricht (Capoeira, Musik und afro-brasilianischer Tanz) jeweils für Fortgeschrittene und Anfänger getrennt (in der Cazuá und in Walle)
 Ab 17. 30 Uhr: Roda (Cazuá)
 Ab 22 Uhr Party: Beto Sorriso mit Band (in Walle)
Sonntag: 12 – 15 Uhr: Unterricht: Capoeira und afro-brasilianischer Tanz  (in der Cazuá)
 Ab 16 Uhr: Boa Viagem Roda (Cazuá)
 – Während den Rodas wird wieder beabsichtigt, eine Live CD aufzunehmen –
Die Unterkunft befindet sich im Jugend-Freizeitzentrum Walle. Ein Küche zum Kochen und Sanitäre Anlagen sind dort vorhanden. Schlafsäcke, Isomatten etc. bitte selbst mitzubringen. (Wegbeschreibung und Stadtplan findet ihr auf unserer Internetseite). Ausserdem wird ein kostenloses Frühstück für alle Teilnehmer des Workshops angeboten.   Kosten
Die Kosten betragen für alle 4 Tage inkl. Übernachtung, Frühstück und T-Shirt 85 €. 
Bitte bringt eine lange Hose, Turnschuhe und kurzärmliche T-Shirts zum Training mit.
Weitere Info
Da wir die Infos über den Workshop in den  nächsten Wochen vervollständigen werden, lohnt es sich immer wieder auf unsere Seite www.capoeira-angola-bremen.de zu gucken!
Oder wendet euch an:
Contra Mestre Pernalonga
Tel. 0049-(0)421-7947063 o. 0049-(0)1739111447
E-Mail: [email protected]
Raphael Stöcklin
0049 (0) 421-3061326 / 0049-(0)151-50964291
E-Mail: [email protected]

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