In Search of Mandinga: Encounters Around the World | Notícias - Atualidades

In Search of Mandinga: Encounters Around the World


É com muita alegria que comunico que o livro In Search Of Mandinga foi lançado hoje, dia 15 de Fevereiro!

Depois de mais de quatro décadas como capoeirista, fui motivado por um grande amigo a dar vida às suas memórias mais profundas.

Em Busca de Mandinga é uma coleção de 7 histórias sobre as minhas viagens no mundo da capoeira através das Américas, Europa e Ásia. As histórias profundamente pessoais conectam o leitor aos lugares e pessoas cujas vidas duras, ricas e abundantes influenciaram seu trabalho como capoeirista e artista ativista em sua busca por Mandinga – a magia e a maestria escondidas no jogo da capoeira.

Sobre o autor:

Carlo Alexandre Teixeira é um mestre de capoeira, artista performático, autor, músico e compositor. Ele usou a capoeira para reunir artistas de todo o mundo para criar música consciente para defender os direitos dos povos indígenas (Historias de Plantas, Guarnicê), uma exposição fotográfica e um livro documentando a história da escravidão no Rio (capoeira e palestras no Cais do Valongo), compôs a banda sonora do documentário “Mães Órfãs” – a história cruel da violência policial nas favelas do Rio, e uma tragédia grega reinterpretada para explorar o racismo, o fascismo e o fanatismo (In Blood, Londres). Através do seu trabalho, criou laços de amizade, diversão e aprendizagem. Estas colaborações interculturais entre continentes têm sido uma aventura rica e gratificante, consolidando a sua crença na alegria da arte e no poder das comunidades.

After more than four decades as a capoeirista, Carlo Alexandre Teixeira was motivated by a great friend to bring his most profound memories to life.

In Search of Mandinga is a collection of 7 stories about Mestre Carlo Alexandre’s travels in the world of capoeira across the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The deeply personal stories connect the reader to the places and people whose tough, rich, and abundant lives have influenced his work as a capoeirista and activist artist in his search for Mandinga – the magic and mastery hidden in the capoeira game.

On Amazon Books from 31 January 2024. In print and on Kindle.


Chapter VII – Mestre Ananias, the roots of Mandinga (fragment)

For some reason, the doors took a while to open, but soon after, two people jumped out and I soon recognised them. They were the Contra Mestres Marcelo Finco and Rafael Xikarangoma, and right behind them, coming out of the passenger seat was Master Ananias – he stepped from the car in his bicoloured, fine leather shoes and on his head a straw hat adorned with a blue ribbon.

Mestre Ananias, a living legend, one of the great names of popular culture in São Paulo and the rest of Brazil, was the crowning moment of this Roda and in fact of all the Cais do Valongo events.

Like an actor preparing to play a character, Ananias fixes his hat at a right angle, as if to disguise his eyes. Then he adjusts the height of his trousers, pulling them up, and, looking at us with an amused and quizzical gaze, begins to walk slowly towards the roda. A step behind him, his disciples, like faithful squires, are smiling discreetly at each other as if they already know what is about to unfold.

Before I had time to pause the roda to announce their presence, he crossed the circle and playfully asked:

“Where is the Carioca?

Guess what?

The carioca was me, of course, “Oh my God, I’m his prey today”, I thought to myself (…)

Design by Natalia Michailidou @natalia_michail



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